Mind Of A Goddess

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Post 1

Random Thought #1: Black-outs suck.

Six consecutive days of no electricity is bad for a girl, and since our shower is powered by electricity, I've had to take my baths old school style. It's bad enough that I have to put up with the heat at night ('cause my room is in between my parents' and the entertainment room), but to not get a satisfying shower in the morning is enough to drive me crazy. Then its school for nine hours straight...grrr...

After 12 hours...

On the bright side, we now have electricity once more... Hallelujah! We received it when I was in school, a good thirty minutes after I left home. If only it had come an hour earlier, then I could've showered and left the house happy. But never mind that, 'cause I have showered and am very,
very happy.

Random Thought#2: The children of tomorrow will die without electricity.


  • Nice posts.. GALING! keep posting! 95%

    By Blogger maof, at 6:54 PM  

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