Mind Of A Goddess

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Post 2

Random Thought #3: I like thick blankets.

I like my blankets. They're thick, comfy, and keep me warm at night.

Sometimes, when I feel happy, I lie down on my bed and hide under the covers, smiling to myself and just savoring the joy I feel inside. I'd closed my eyes and pretend I was in a different place, being someone else entirely.

Or whenever I feel like my world was crumbling all around me, I'd hide under the covers and cry my heart out. I'd mouth bad words under my blankets, imagine that whatever made me cry was there in front of me and I'd shoot, stab, and break it's bones with my bare hands.

You see, under my thick, warm blankets, I can pretend. Pretend the world was mine, pretend the boy I loved was courting me, pretend I was a spy like Jennifer Garner in Alias, pretend I was travelling the world like Lara Croft does when she's tomb raiding, pretend, pretend, pretend...

Honestly, I don't like pretense in my life. I avoid do so myself whenever I'm with other people. But underneath my thick blankets, I'm safe to pretend.


  • Whoa... that's deep, sis... XD Nice.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:37 AM  

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