Mind Of A Goddess

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Post 4

Random Thought # 6: I love superheroes. Robin is sexier than Batman, and Batman is hotter than Flash, and Flash is yummier than Superman, who is much, much more fiery than the sun. I love superheroes.

My Top Fifteen Wish List

I wish that Robin/Richard Grayson was all mine. LOL!
I wish that I owned a dark green or amber brown Honda Jazz. Ooooh!!!
I wish that I had an Apple laptop that actually works and will last long.
I wish that I had a million US dollars in my wallet everyday. Just for kicks.
I wish that I had superpowers. Who doesn't?
I wish that I had several houses that are owned only by me. I like to share, but there's a limit to my kindness.
I wish that I lived in a house with my closest friends, so that each day is filled with spontaneity.
I wish that I could write stories that can capture the imagination of others.
And in accordance to my previous wish, I wish that my stories would get its own category on FanFiction.net. LOL!
I wish that my crush's girlfriends who are not me would become horribly disfigured. *insesrt evil laughter*
I wish that my crush would see me as a girl and not his little sister. Ouch!
I wish that I could learn how to properly hold the samurais I receieved for my birthday last September. Because they are really cool, and are getting dusty where they rest in my closet.
I wish that I could enter a beauty pagent and get chosen as one of the finalists. Haha!
Following that last wish, I wish that I could get to say my next wish.
My final wish would be... *laughs to keep up the suspense* Okay, okay, as a finalist in a beauty pagent, I would wish for world peace. Through world domination. *insert insane laughter here*

There. My loony wishes are out for you to read and know. Succumb to me and my greatness. LOL! Until next time!

Random Thought # 7 : I deserve to be tied up in a straightjacket. I'm a size 7. I swear.


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