Mind Of A Goddess

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Whew! Just came from France... Well, actually that was two weeks ago... But anyway... That's not the point... The point is: I'm back!

Random Thought # 8: I can't believe I'm now in college...

Yup, that's right! I just entered college. I feel just like how I felt when I was in France: detached. Seriously. I don't know what to make of it. My new friends are great, the teachers are cool, the school is *ugh* very big... But I just can't feel it. I do my homework, pass it in, talk to my friends, hang out a while, go home, eat, sleep, wake up, take a bath, eat, go to school, do my homework, pass it in, talk to my friends, hang out a while, go home, eat, sleep, wake up, take a bath, eat, go to school, do my homework, pass it in, talk to my friends, hang out a while, go home, eat, sleep, wake up, take a bath, eat, go to school, do my- Well, it's very tiring. And to think I did that for two weeks now.


Well, I'm gonna have to stop here since I still need to do my homework, pass it in, talk to my friends, hang out a while, go home, eat, sleep, wake up, take a bath, eat go to school... etc.

Cheerio! A bientot!

Random Thought # 9: I think I'm gonna get tired of college soon. Very soon.


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