Mind Of A Goddess

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Whew! Just came from France... Well, actually that was two weeks ago... But anyway... That's not the point... The point is: I'm back!

Random Thought # 8: I can't believe I'm now in college...

Yup, that's right! I just entered college. I feel just like how I felt when I was in France: detached. Seriously. I don't know what to make of it. My new friends are great, the teachers are cool, the school is *ugh* very big... But I just can't feel it. I do my homework, pass it in, talk to my friends, hang out a while, go home, eat, sleep, wake up, take a bath, eat, go to school, do my homework, pass it in, talk to my friends, hang out a while, go home, eat, sleep, wake up, take a bath, eat, go to school, do my homework, pass it in, talk to my friends, hang out a while, go home, eat, sleep, wake up, take a bath, eat, go to school, do my- Well, it's very tiring. And to think I did that for two weeks now.


Well, I'm gonna have to stop here since I still need to do my homework, pass it in, talk to my friends, hang out a while, go home, eat, sleep, wake up, take a bath, eat go to school... etc.

Cheerio! A bientot!

Random Thought # 9: I think I'm gonna get tired of college soon. Very soon.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Post 4

Random Thought # 6: I love superheroes. Robin is sexier than Batman, and Batman is hotter than Flash, and Flash is yummier than Superman, who is much, much more fiery than the sun. I love superheroes.

My Top Fifteen Wish List

I wish that Robin/Richard Grayson was all mine. LOL!
I wish that I owned a dark green or amber brown Honda Jazz. Ooooh!!!
I wish that I had an Apple laptop that actually works and will last long.
I wish that I had a million US dollars in my wallet everyday. Just for kicks.
I wish that I had superpowers. Who doesn't?
I wish that I had several houses that are owned only by me. I like to share, but there's a limit to my kindness.
I wish that I lived in a house with my closest friends, so that each day is filled with spontaneity.
I wish that I could write stories that can capture the imagination of others.
And in accordance to my previous wish, I wish that my stories would get its own category on FanFiction.net. LOL!
I wish that my crush's girlfriends who are not me would become horribly disfigured. *insesrt evil laughter*
I wish that my crush would see me as a girl and not his little sister. Ouch!
I wish that I could learn how to properly hold the samurais I receieved for my birthday last September. Because they are really cool, and are getting dusty where they rest in my closet.
I wish that I could enter a beauty pagent and get chosen as one of the finalists. Haha!
Following that last wish, I wish that I could get to say my next wish.
My final wish would be... *laughs to keep up the suspense* Okay, okay, as a finalist in a beauty pagent, I would wish for world peace. Through world domination. *insert insane laughter here*

There. My loony wishes are out for you to read and know. Succumb to me and my greatness. LOL! Until next time!

Random Thought # 7 : I deserve to be tied up in a straightjacket. I'm a size 7. I swear.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Post 3

Random Thought # 4: You should never have too much of a good thing.

For the past three days, I've been absent due to mumps. Monday was alright, and I was very happy to stay at home. But then my mother opened her mouth and told me to start on my THE project. Thank God for the high level of self-restraint that I possess, or else I'd be in jail for attempted murder. *SIGH* So I did my project all afternoon, and woke up on Tuesday with a sore arm.

Tuesday, though, was the day of our special function. In THE. I could've just slept the whole day through, but out of respect and compassion for my groupmates, whom I care for very dearly, I attended the function. Despite the sore arm, I helped out, even when I started to get real dizzy. I had to call my mom to bring me home, and then excused myself from the rest of the function, 'cause I was getting really weak. Not that I'm whining or anything... Okay, so I'm whining. But who wouldn't? This mumps of mine had really bad timing.

And today, Wednesday, we were supposed to pass our project in Physics. I made my little red , balloon-powered toy car. Unfortunately, my extremely reliable mother 'forgot' about it while doing her errands. When I found the toy car, which was still in the back seat of our real car, I really wanted to slap my mom silly. She bosses me around to do my projects, but then forgets to hand it over to my teacher for grading? Twisted, that woman.

Anyway, what's done is done. I'm going to try to hand it over when I get to school, but I'm not really going to get my hopes up. My Physics teacher might be close to our age, but she can be real strict when she wants to be. I just wish that this sickness is over, cause I haven't been able to do what I want to do since Monday. At least at school I have my freedom, even if it is limited, and my teachers don't watch my like I'm a criminal.

Random Thought # 5: Is living a crime?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Post 2

Random Thought #3: I like thick blankets.

I like my blankets. They're thick, comfy, and keep me warm at night.

Sometimes, when I feel happy, I lie down on my bed and hide under the covers, smiling to myself and just savoring the joy I feel inside. I'd closed my eyes and pretend I was in a different place, being someone else entirely.

Or whenever I feel like my world was crumbling all around me, I'd hide under the covers and cry my heart out. I'd mouth bad words under my blankets, imagine that whatever made me cry was there in front of me and I'd shoot, stab, and break it's bones with my bare hands.

You see, under my thick, warm blankets, I can pretend. Pretend the world was mine, pretend the boy I loved was courting me, pretend I was a spy like Jennifer Garner in Alias, pretend I was travelling the world like Lara Croft does when she's tomb raiding, pretend, pretend, pretend...

Honestly, I don't like pretense in my life. I avoid do so myself whenever I'm with other people. But underneath my thick blankets, I'm safe to pretend.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Post 1

Random Thought #1: Black-outs suck.

Six consecutive days of no electricity is bad for a girl, and since our shower is powered by electricity, I've had to take my baths old school style. It's bad enough that I have to put up with the heat at night ('cause my room is in between my parents' and the entertainment room), but to not get a satisfying shower in the morning is enough to drive me crazy. Then its school for nine hours straight...grrr...

After 12 hours...

On the bright side, we now have electricity once more... Hallelujah! We received it when I was in school, a good thirty minutes after I left home. If only it had come an hour earlier, then I could've showered and left the house happy. But never mind that, 'cause I have showered and am very,
very happy.

Random Thought#2: The children of tomorrow will die without electricity.